Are podcasts for me and my business?

Have you ever wondered whether a podcast is right for your business?

OMG yes!

Stats for April 2021 in Australia showed  86% of Australians aged 12+ listened to radio over-the-air, online and via catch-up radio podcasts, while 37% listened to a podcast.

The average weekly listening time was just over 12 hours.

About 5.6 million Australians, or 26% of the population, are weekly podcast listeners.

Podcasts are still growing, there are more than two million published worldwide with millions of episodes published each week.

Are you still questioning whether a podcast is right for you and your business? 

You don’t need to create one when there are already so many around. Of course if you want to make one and it works with your business model then go right ahead.

If you’re reading this then I bet you already listen to podcasts, maybe you’ve subscribed to a few and they are part of your regular media consumption.

If you are a regular podcast listener then you will know that often podcasts will feature guests relevant to their topic.

For example, I listen to the Mums With Hustle podcast by Tracy Harris and every two weeks she features a guest who is typically a mum in business.

Another podcast I listen to is Running Book Reviews, they interview authors of running books.

There are podcasts for every genre, whatever your interest or business niche, I bet you can find a podcast that’s relevant.

Now here’s the thing. Pitch yourself to a podcast that is relevant to you and your expertise but also one where you can give value to the listeners.

I know I bang on about this a lot but giving value is the main goal here. Self-promotion is a by-product of publicity.

What to do next

Open up your podcast app and browse the subjects. Search for your niche, target audience, location etc.

Note down the podcast names and add them to your feed.

Before you make contact listen to at least three episodes so you can hear their style, if you would be a good fit and how you can be of service.


What is a podcast?


Episode 1: Setting Publicity Goals with Aims Watts