What’s stopping you from starting a podcast?

If you’ve been thinking of starting a podcast but you’ve not published an episode yet then read on.

By the end of this post you will feel more positive about podcasting and able to take the next step to pushing upload on your first episode.

There are a number of reasons that may have kept you from following through on this idea, and you’re not alone in having these.

In fact, many people will have held back on following through on creative ideas and won’t ever revisit.

I’m in the camp that it’s better to give something a try to see if you like it, than to never try.

Here are some reasons why people don’t launch a podcast and how you can overcome them:

I don’t know how to podcast

Most people who are podcasting also had no clue when they first had the idea, they just knew they wanted to do it and found a way to make it happen.

There are tutorials online you can learn from, or join something like my podcasting made easy membership.

What if I decide I don’t want to keep my podcast the way I started it?

You can change. Many podcasts evolve over time into what you hear today. That includes a change of hosts, bringing in a co-host, a complete change of co-hosts, changing the name, changing the topic, changing the branding.

You are allowed to change your podcast if you aren’t in love with it in its current form.

What if I want to stop podcasting?

You can. Just like that. Many podcasts have. Depending on what platform you use your podcast will live on (although you can completely burn it to the ground).

No one will listen

They will. If you’ve given your podcast a name, description and artwork then people will be able to find your podcast in a search if using a keyword you have also used. Try it yourself, pick an obscure topic + podcast and google it.

There’s already a podcast on the subject I want to talk to

This is more mindset than anything else. How many money podcasts are there? How many podcasts are there about obscure sports, movies, celebrities, business, etc.

There are loads of podcasts on all these subjects and more, but none of them feature you.

You have a unique insight that no one else can share.

I don’t know graphic design to make a podcast image

Use Canva, they have podcast cover templates you can use as a starting point. Look at podcast covers in your podcast app for an idea of what stands out.

I’m not a celebrity

Most podcasters aren’t.

I don’t have any equipment

All you need to get started is a phone and a computer of some description. I use a laptop. You don’t need any flash equipment, or access to a recording studio.

What reason do you have for not starting yet?

Let me know by emailing me and I’ll give you some workarounds.


pod bites: Making mediumship the Norm with Melissa Espinasse


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